Splish, Splash! Playful Baby Elephant Brings Hilarious Hijinks to Bath Time

For the young elephants at the Khao Sok National Park in Thailand, bath time isn’t just about getting clean – it’s a rambunctious romp filled with mischief and pure unadulterated joy.

The excited elephant charges straight towards the bath and snags its leg off of it on the way in causing it to fall over

Take Trunks, for example, a curious and high-spirited baby elephant who has quickly become a viral sensation thanks to his hilarious antics during the herd’s daily bathing ritual.

The calf slip-slided its way in eventually as grown elephants stood in the back watching

Footage captured by delighted visitors shows the energetic calf splashing, spinning, and generally causing chaos as he enthusiastically embraces the simple pleasure of playing in the water. With his trunk swinging with unbridled enthusiasm, Trunks dives headfirst into the shallow pool, emerging with a triumphant spray that elicits gleeful laughter from the humans gatheredaound.

In March of this year an elephant was filmed having a great time in the tub while at The Royal Elephant Kraal and Village 

“It’s the most heartwarming and hilarious thing to witness,” says park ranger, Suwanna Temtam. “Trunks just has so much energy and personality. He really knows how to put on a show during bath time.”

The little guy just couldn't get enough of the spray

Indeed, the young elephant’s playful performance is a veritable circus of cuteness, as he uses his impressive trunk to fling water in every direction, soaking both himself and any nearby onlookers. At one point, he even attempts to drink from the hose used to fill the pool, only to end up snorting and sputtering as the water rushes into his sensitive trunk.

After rolling about in the water, the elephant jumps up and attempts to steal the hose from the man

Yet despite his rambunctious behavior, Trunks is never in any real danger, with the attentive herd members and watchful park rangers ensuring that the calf’s antics remain firmly within the bounds of safe, harmless fun.

“Elephants are incredibly social and affectionate animals,” Temtam explains. “The herd takes such good care of Trunks, gently guiding him and ensuring he doesn’t get too carried away. It’s really a beautiful thing to witness.”

The video concludes with a woman and little girl spraying the elephant before it runs after with their hose

And while Trunks may be the undisputed star of the show, he’s certainly not the only youngster making waves during the daily baths. His playful peers can be seen splashing alongside him, occasionally engaging in spirited trunk-wrestling matches or playfully chasing one another through the refreshing waters.

“Bath time is such an important bonding experience for the herd,” Temtam says. “It’s where they can truly let loose and have fun together, strengthening the close-knit social ties that are so crucial to elephant society.”

For the delighted visitors who have had the privilege of witnessing Trunks and his fellow calves in action, these captivating bath time performances have become the highlight of their trips to Khao Sok. And as the videos of the irrepressible young elephant continue to spread across social media, it’s clear that his infectious enthusiasm and joyful spirit have the power to bring smiles to the faces of people all around the world.

So the next time you find yourself needing a pick-me-up, simply search for the latest antics of Trunks the bath time daredevil. After all, there’s nothing quite like the unbridled joy of a playful baby elephant to remind us all of the simple pleasures in life.

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